I'm so close to summer I can taste it! 16 days but who's counting...... #jkimcounting
Anyway, my picks this week are really upbeat and electric remixes. In my Sociology of Popular Culture class, we were discussing how much of all media produced today is in fact a remix, or remake of something already produced. We were debating whether or not this means that artists are stealing, or if it makes the new work any less artistic than the original. Let me know what you guys think in the comments below!
I'm absolutely loving the exposure to new music I get from doing this segment on my blog! (Unfortunately, for now it's the only one that I really have time for until this semester ends :/) !
I hope you are too! Here are my picks for the week!
In addition, I would like to extend my thoughts and prayers to all of those affected by the tragedy at the Boston Marathon this afternoon. It is truly an issue close to my heart as I was in Boston when it happened. I ask that you sympathize with those involved in any way as well. #PrayForBoston
(Despite all the stupid stuff Justin has been doing/saying, I think this song says it all at a time like this.)